As expected, the Librarians are on the cutting edge. The Merlin feed is an orange RSS icon at the bottom of their main page (subscribed). There's lots of other good stuff there on-site, including a fine set of learning links that can serve as a great 23 things starting point.

Crew Merlin aren't the only librarians sharing their love of the techy goodness. There are a number of Library blogs considering these issues in challenging and provocative ways. One must-see blog (I'm not kidding... this should be thing 24) is John Tropea's LibraryClips. This is like 23 Things on Steroids (but in a good way!). All the new "Web 2.0" technologies reviewed, dissected and reassembled in interesting new ways. John has been all over Rollyo (Thing #12) since 2005, and now that we're hip to RSS (thing #8), John can tell you how to pimp up Google Reader with 15 Firefox hacks. Can't go wrong at LibraryClips! (Man, I hope I'm not the only 23-thinger to use the word "pimp" in a post...Quick, someone else use it!)

In the same vein, (2.0 tech, not the p-word!) check out Nicole Engard's What I Learned Today, where there are pointers to some great discussions around Web 2.0, Libraries and Technology. One of Nicole's current discussions addresses the Librarian 2.0 manifesto by Laura Cohen. The manifesto can be read as either inspirational or somewhat depressing... as a charter for change or an admission of prevailing stuck-in-the-mud-ness. Nicole concurs with Tyler Cohen at Library Garden , who eloquently laments the fact that such a 2.0 manifesto should need to be written, & believes that we should consistently keep current with technology because that's just who we are. Is it new? Is it hip? Do the people want it? Then I'd better understand it too.....
An interesting debate.

These aren't the only Librarians in the Blogosphere. There are lots of other Library bloggers too. To find one that you like, check out Libdex's list of US Library blogs. Not exhaustive, but a good place to start...



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