Thing #8: Bloglines

So. Have set up a Bloglines account to track the blogs of my colleagues, & added some news sites there too, mostly having to do with the Rugby World Cup in France this September. England are the defending champions, but they're not at all likely to defend their title, sadly. The open against the USA on September 8th in Lens. Keep track of their performance on the IRB official World Cup site.

17-all in the 2nd period of overtime, & the ball comes back to Johnny Wilkinson, the man with the golden boot, and the rest is history... "They'll be dancing in the streets of insert hometown here tonight."

OK. Bloglines... After some wrasslin' I've been able to put my Bloglines blogroll into the sidebar of this blog. (See "My Colleagues" in the sidebar.) Putting the javascript blogroll in the sidebar was a bit tricky because the username I selected on Bloglines John-23 was not legal in the javascript inside Blogger, and so the blogroll wouldn't display. It took me a while to figure it out, but now that my username is John23, we're all set!

I'm not a huge fan of Bloglines. I prefer "river of news" style readers that deliver stories from multiple sources ordered by recency instead of clustered by source. I had a feed-crammed Kinja account for a long while. Google Reader provides a similar "stack" of stories from multiple sources with the most recent on the top. That way you can see the new goodies right away, without having to go into each site. Another great "halfway house" for learning about RSS is an e-mail subscription service like R-mail, that takes new feed entries, formats them as e-mail, and delivers them to your inbox. My feeling is that the "river" format maximises the benefits of RSS, especially if you're following a group of sites that respond to one another or a fast-breaking news story.

Anyhow. That's thing #8. Bloglines explored and accounted for.... Go England!



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