Thing #12: Rollyo

What is the most difficult thing about Rollyo? Thinking of a topic to Roll, & finding a few good sites to fold in to the mix. So. Rugby World Cup it is then. "Golden Boots" Wilkinson is 4th from the right in the above pic, FYI, & clearly the team have all shown up for training in their pajamas... (apparently this new "grab-proof" kit is all the rage.) For a review of Rugby Shirts through the ages, see the BBC's slideshow. Anyhow....what was I doing?

Rollyo is a great idea if you make frequent visits to a small group of sites, or are only interested in authoritative content from a select number of sources, or have a particular topical focus / obsession. After creating an account you're able to create and save a "searchroll" list of up to 25 sites that you select. Use "create searchroll" on the black tab-bar at the top of the page for the purpose. I built a Rugby World Cup 2007 searchroll, then clicked over to tools > searchbox to turn my searchroll into a page widget.

So here's the Rollyo searchbox that will hit 6 of the most high-profile Rugby news websites if you choose that option in the select box. It will also allow you to search the web, and to search this site (for whatever that's worth!) This ought to make it easier to keep tabs on any further whacky changes in shirts...

Rollyo allows you to use browser bookmarks as a basis for a searchroll, allowing you to scan multiple sites without visiting each one. They also have a bookmarklet for the links bar in your browser so that you can keep your searchrolls handy in your browser no matter what page you're on. See Tools > Import and Tools > Rollbar.



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